
Improve your brand’s presence on Google

gmc-hero-image-2Google Manufacturer Center provides optimized search results and customer experiences, leading to increased conversions and sales formanufacturers along with actionable business intelligence


Check out the video from our recent joint presentation to learn more about the benefits of Google Manufacturer Center.

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As users search for key product attributes, Google can surface the most relevant Shopping Ads from retailers and create a better shopping experience for your products 

GfK automatically updates and exports your product content to Google Manufacturer Center each day, for immediate impact in optimizing search results and engagement in the channel


What are the benefits?

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  • Many of the millions of Google shoppers are “undecided”. This represents a huge opportunity—for brands to enhance the representation of their products and ultimately capture incremental customers
  • Increases Google Shopping Ads relevancy and conversions.
  • Receive unique, powerful analytics exclusive to Manufacturer Center participants to understand how your products are performing in search across Google