Alles aus einer Hand: Erstellung, Management und Verteilung von Produktinhalten
GfK Product Catalogs hilft Herstellern dabei ihren Händlern aktuelle, für den jeweiligen Bedarf optimierte Produktdaten auf effiziente und einheitliche Weise bereitzustellen.
Verwalten Sie Ihre Produktdaten in allen Sprachen und Formaten und machen Sie daraus mit Hilfe unseres einfach zu nutzenden Portals einheitliche optimierte Inhalte für den E-Commerce. Das beinhaltet alle strukturierten Inhalte genauso wie erweiterte unstrukturierte Texte, Abbildungen und Videos.
Wir erstellen individuelle Lösungen für Ihre E-Commerce Anwendungen, die Sie bei der Suchmaschinenoptimierung unterstützen und helfen die Conversion Rate zu verbessern:
Verbessern Sie Ihre Produktangebote im Amazon-Shop mit zeitnahen, genauen und vollständigen Produktinhalten von GfK Etilize.
Verkaufen über Wir können Ihre Inhalte jetzt automatisch an Walmart syndizieren.
As a leading provider of advanced electronics, we have very unique needs in product content and ecommerce across the global markets where we participate. GfK has proven to be a valuable long-term partner of ours by continuing to understand our needs and the changing landscape, and by delivering solutions that support our initiatives and growth. As a leading provider of advanced electronics, we have very unique needs in product content and ecommerce across the global markets where we participate. GfK has proven to be a valuable long-term partner of ours by continuing to understand our needs and the changing landscape, and by delivering solutions that support our initiatives and growth.
Andrea Caletti
Head of Global Web Operations [Acer]
GfK Etilize provides Fujitsu with a critical solution to support our eCommerce efforts. We simply provide our product data files to them, and they take it from there to standardise and optimise the content in a format that our key channel partners can use. Updates and product launches are a breeze, and our Etilize team is proactive about introducing new ways to help us maximize our online sales.
Jonathan Waller
Senior ChannelMarketing Manager [Fujitsu]
GfK Etilize was a great choice to help us better manage and syndicate our product content. They have existing relationships with many of our key retailer and distributor partners, and they make it easy to update and optimize our product content in the channel, including enhanced product content elements, all through an easy to use online portal.
Christy Stevenson
Director, Channel Marketing [Brother]
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GfK Etilize US
200 Liberty St, 4th Floor
New York | NY, 10281
34145 Pacific Coast Highway #636
Dana Point | CA | 92629 | USA